I am trying to read Kittel for a project, and he mentions the properties on silicon and germanium so briefly, that I don't understand it at all. He talks about p states, and I don't really know what that means. I've taken quantum mechanics, but I don't understand what is actually being said. I hope someone with experience in solid state could re-write this paragraph into something more digestible, here goes.
The conduction and valence bands of germanium are shown in Fig. 14, based on a combination of theoretical and experimental results. The valence band edge in both Si and Ge is at k = 0 and is derived from $p_{1/2}$ and $p_{3/2}$ states of the free atoms, as is clear from the tight-hinding approximation (Chapter 9 ) to the wavefunctions. The $p_{3/2}$ level is fourfold degenerate as in the atom; the four states correspond to $m_J$ values $\pm 1/2$ and $\pm 3/2$. The $p_{1/2}$ level is doubly degenerate, with $m_J$ values $\pm 1/2$.The $p_{3/2}$ states are higher energy than the $p_{1/2}$ states; the energy difference $\Delta$ is a measure of the spin-orbit interaction. The valence band edges are not simple. Holes near the band edge are characterized by two effective masses, light and heavy These arise from the two bands formed from the $p_{3/2}$ level of the atom. There is also a band formed from the $p_{1/2}$ level, split off from the $p_{3/2}$ level by the spin-orbit interaction.
I just don't get it. What are these states? I looked at germanium, it looks like the outer shell has four electrons. Apparently, two are in the S orbital, and another two in the P orbital. If I put these two in three bins, there are six choices right? (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3). Is that even relevant? I still don't understand what the p states mean. Can anyone explain this, and how spin-orbit coupling comes into this?