I've got three physics equations in mind which seem (to me) to contradict eachother, using a simple case of charge(s) in a static electric field. If someone can give an explanation as to what I'm missing that would be much appreciated. The equations:
Maxwell-Amperes circuital law:
$\nabla \times B = \mu_0 (J + \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial{E}}{\partial{t}}) $
Ohms law:
$J = \sigma E$
And finally, Lorentz Force Law (in absence of magnetic field) (along with F = ma):
$F = qE$
Starting with the equation for Coloumb force, this tells me charges should accelerate in the presence of an electric field. Assuming current is proportional to velocity of charges, this suggests that the time derivative of current would be proportional to electric field strength.
Now for ohms law, it clearly states that current (density) is proportional to Electric field strength. I'm guessing this refers to a steady state due to material properties?
Finally, for Maxwell-Amperes law, assuming no magnetic field it suggests current density is proportional the time derivative of electric field, so we have another apparent discrepancy - assuming my above reasoning applies.
The apparent discrepancy between Maxwell and Coloumb laws are what I'm most interested in. So, what am I missing in my logical reasoning? Any insights will be very much appreciated.