We know that the relativistic probability 4-current density can be written as $$ j^{\mu} = \frac{i\hbar}{2m}(\psi^*\partial^{\mu}\psi - \psi\partial^{\mu}\psi^*) $$
I am bit confused about the time part of this density. From various sources it seems that the time part, using (+---) metric, is $$ j^{0} = \frac{i\hbar}{2mc^2}(\psi^*\partial_{t}\psi - \psi\partial_{t}\psi^*) $$
But why is there a $\mathbf{c^2}$ in this equation when the 4-gradient is clearly written as $$ \partial^{\mu} = \left(\frac{\partial_{t}}{c},\nabla\right) $$ And therefore if we take the $1/c$ out from the parentheses, we should only get the power of one. Please correct me if I am making some horrible mathematical mistake or I am missing something from relativity. It's not my domain, I'm just interested.