All along the moving rod, including the ends beyond the rails, its charges experience the magnetic Lorentz force, $\vec F=q\vec v \times \vec B$. The free electrons are urged towards the end of the rod furthest from us (the viewer).
Some free electrons in the end nearest us will move out of the end into the main circuit, leaving the end positively charged as long as the rod's motion continues. Likewise some free electrons will move out of the main circuit into the end furthest from us making it negatively charged.
These 'chargings of the ends' will happen very quickly. [The unbalancing of charges will give rise to electric fields and electric Lorentz force ($\vec F=q\vec E$) on the free electrons in the ends of the rods that will quickly counterbalance the magnetic Lorentz forces on them so no more charge will accumulate.]
As the rod continues to move, free electrons from the middle section of the rod will escape from the rod itself to process around the circuit mabnm..., their drift speed being limited by the resistance due to their collisions with ions in the metal.