All accounts of solar wind I have seen (I am no expert in the topic), seem to refer to it being everywhere a plasma (mainly composed of protons/electrons). For example, I have seen statements about the direction of motion of the plasma at the heliopause (measured by the voyager probes). Maybe this is a misunderstanding from my side.
But given the fact that intensity of solar electromagnetic radiation decreases massively towards the heliopause, my intuition urges me to believe that, as we move away from the sun, an increasing fraction of the protons should recombine with the electrons to form bound hydrogen atoms (or even some molecules?). Especially a very rough calculation (assuming v=300 km/s and s=100 AU) shows that an individual proton takes at least about two years to travel from the sun to the heliopause, a lot of time for reaching the bound ground state.
Are there any graphs or figures that illustrate whether this happens and if yes, to what extent?
I have found a popular article about the topic, but it only talks about the solar wind close to earth, and emphasizes on measurements. What about theory, and what about 100 AU instead of 1 AU?