The second law suggests that averaged over a large enough space and time, entropy always increases.
The rate of increase obviously depends on local conditions. The increase in Entropy in a year in our solar system (due to the effects of the Sun spewing heat all over the place) is >> the increase in Entropy in, say, a solar-system-sized sphere of intergalactic space. However, the Universe is observed to be reasonably homogenous at very large scales, so it is reasonable to expect that average entropy increase per unit space in the Milky Way is not wildly different from entropy increase in Andromeda (or at least not so wildly different as between the solar system and our hypothesized solar-system-sized intergalactic region). One might expect that averaging two sets of a bunch of galaxies together would bring the average entropy increase of the sets even closer in proportion if not in absolute value.
Anyway, is this average rate of increase in entropy on "large" scales predicted by any of the currently accepted physical theories? Are there any measurements for it?