I am working through the book Cosmology by Daniel Baumann, and in the subsection that covers the continuity equation (part of section 2.3.1 on perfect fluids) the author makes a claim that confuses me. He starts by stating that, in Minkowski space, energy and momentum are conserved, and therefore:
The energy density $\rho c^2$ satisfies the continuity equation, which means that the rate of change of the density equals the divergence of the energy flux: $$\dot{\rho}=-\partial_i\pi^i$$
The evolution of the momentum density satisfies the Euler equation: $$\dot{\pi}_i=\partial_iP$$
And here comes the claim:
These conservation laws can be combined into a four-component conservation equation for the energy-momentum tensor: $$\partial_\mu T^\mu_{\ \ \ \ \nu}=0$$
In the previous subsection, all the necessary information about the energy-momentum tensor was provided, including that the assumption of homogeneity and isotropy of the universe forces this tensor to take the form:
$$T_{00}\equiv\rho(t)c^2\qquad T_{i0}\equiv c\pi_i=0\qquad T_{ij}=P(t)g_{ij}(t,\vec{x})$$
So, what I am trying to do is to recover the equations
$$\dot{\rho}=-\partial_i\pi^i\qquad \text{and}\qquad \dot{\pi}_i=\partial_i P$$
from the four-component equation $\partial_\mu T^\mu_\nu=0$ (where I know we are using Einstein's summation convention for the index $\mu$ and that $\nu=0,...,3$).
For the $\nu=0$ component, this is my attempt:
$$\partial_\mu T^\mu_{\ \ \ \ 0}=0\ \Rightarrow\ \partial_0(-\rho c^2)+\partial_i(c\pi^i)=0\ \Rightarrow\ \dfrac{1}{c}\partial_t(-\rho c^2)+\partial_i(c\pi^i)=0\ \Rightarrow$$ $$\Rightarrow\ -c\dot{\rho}+c\partial_i\pi^i=0\ \Rightarrow\ \dot{\rho}=\partial_i\pi^i$$
where I have used that $\partial_0=c^{-1}\partial_t$ since $x^0=ct$, and where I have raised one of the indices in the energy-momentum tensor by using the metric tensor:
- $T^0_{\ \ \ \ 0}=g^{0\beta}T_{\beta 0}=-T_00=-\rho c^2$
- $T^i_{\ \ \ \ 0}=g^{i\beta}T_{\beta 0}=g^{i\beta}c\pi_\beta=c\pi^i$
So, instead of $\dot{\rho}=-\partial_i\pi^i$, I get $\dot{\rho}=\partial_i\pi^i$. I'm tempted to say this is an errata in the book but I suppose I'm probably wrong somewhere.
I have read that the energy-momentum tensor, written as $T^{\mu\nu}$, is symmetric and therefore $T^{\mu\nu}=T^{\nu\mu}$, but this means it's symmetric with both indices as upper indices, not that $T_{\mu\nu}$ is symmetric too, right? Because we need to use the metric to lower indices, and the product of two symmetric matrices isn't symmetric in general. So am I right in assuming that $T_{0j}=T_{j0}$, which I would need to deduce the second equation?
I'm thoroughly confused, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm not convinced that $T^\mu_{\ \ \ \ \nu}$ is also symmetric if I assume that $T_{\mu\nu}$ is symmetric. My calculations are as follows. I start with the components of $T_{\mu\nu}$, given by:
$$T_{00}\equiv\rho c^2\qquad T_{i0}\equiv c\pi_i\qquad T_{0j}=T_{j0}=c\pi_j \qquad T_{ij}=P g_{ij}$$
where the rest of the components equal zero. If I raise one of the indices, I get:
- $T^0_{\ \ \ \ 0}=g^{0\beta}T_{\beta 0}=-T_{00}=-\rho c^2$
- $T^i_{\ \ \ \ 0}=g^{i\beta}T_{\beta 0}=g^{i\beta}c\pi_\beta=c\pi^i$
- $T^0_{\ \ \ \ j}=g^{0\beta}T_{\beta j}=-T_{0j}=-c\pi_j$
- $T^i_{\ \ \ \ j}=g^{i\beta}T_{\beta j}=g^{ik}T_{kj}=Pg^{ik}g_{kj}=P\delta^i_j$
If $T^\mu_{\ \ \ \ \nu}$ is symmetric, then in particular $T^i_{\ \ \ \ 0}=T^0_{\ \ \ \ i}$, which means $\pi^i=-\pi_i$. But that isn't the case, since:
Then, where is my mistake in the calculations?