It's known that the current value of the universe's total density parameter $\Omega_0=1$.
According to the $\Lambda$CDM model, the current density parameter of baryonic matter $\Omega_P \sim 0.04$, the current density parameter of dark matter $\Omega_D \sim 0.25$, and the current density parameter of dark energy $\Omega_\Lambda \sim 0.7$. While the energy density of radiation is ignored.
Suppose another model like in : A unified geometric description of the Universe
Where $\Omega_\Lambda$ is taken to be zero. And the density parameter of both baryonic and dark matters is taken to be $0.99$.
Although this model explained the late-time acceleration. Will it meet the observation of $\Lambda$CDM about dark matter or baryonic matter?
I mean the universe introduced in the model is matter dominant with say huge density parameter of dark matter $\sim 0.95$ and density parameter of baryonic matter $\sim 0.04$ . Will this be consistent with the early cosmological observations like the Baryonic acoustic oscillation in the early universe (BAO) or the microwave background (CMB) ?
Any help is appreciated!