I would like to add to Buzz excellent answer that the development of a quantum field operator in annihilation and creation operators as mentioned in Buzz's answer is only valid for free quantum fields, i.e. fields that do not couple to another quantum field. If a quantum field couple to another field, so that the field equation ("wave equation") is non-homogeneous or non-linear the development is no longer true. In almost all of such cases the development of the field operator is even unknown.
In this context it is important to know that most quantum fields couple to other fields and free quantum fields only exist as toy models in textbooks.
The problem how to deal with interacting quantum fields requires more advanced tools as for instance perturbation theory (where in zeroth order the mentioned Fourier development can be used) or non-perturbative QFT.
Inspired by the comment of user196574 I would like to add that in case of "most well-known" interacting QFT's inspite of the statement in the first paragraph one can actually still construct an operator $a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})$ (I am following closely and using the formula tagging of the book of M. Srednicki):
$$a^\dagger (\mathbf{k}) = -i \int d^3x e^{ikx} \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial_0} \varphi(x) \tag{5.2} $$
where $f\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial_\mu}g = f(\partial_\mu g) - (\partial_\mu f)g$. This construction here is done for an interacting scalar field theory, for other well-known fields as spin-1/2 and spin-1 theories similar expressions apply. However, there might be interacting theories (in particular with strong coupling) where even this construction makes no sense at all (at least at low energy). An example could be QCD.
Although the corresponding operator $a(\mathbf{k})$ still "annihilates the vacuum":
$$a(\mathbf{k})|0\rangle =0 \tag{5.3}$$
$a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})$ no longer only generates an one-particle state. As an a priori unknown vector $a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})|0 \rangle$ in Fock space it can be developed in the following way:
$$a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})|0 \rangle = z|0 \rangle + Z|\mathbf{k}\rangle + \sum_{n,p} b_{n,p} |p,n\rangle $$
where $|p,n\rangle $ denotes any multiparticle state with total three-momentum $\mathbf{p}$ and $n$ is short for all other labels needed to specify the state (Srednicki p.40).
The coefficients $z$, $Z$ and $b_{n,p}$ are difficult to determine, actually $Z$ can be computed with methods of perturbation and in particular renormalisation theory.
To recap: annihilation and creation operators are widely used in particular for free, i.e. non-interacting QFTs, but for interacting QFTs they loose most of their sense, so one should not call them anymore annihilation and creation operators. But they can be still used in many QFTs, but with the corresponding care. It is important to note that the construction (5.2) is actually based on the Fourier development of the field operators (see for instance (3.19),(3.20) and (3.21) of M. Srednicki's book).