According to the definition, the Wilson loop is \begin{equation} W[\mathcal{C}] =\operatorname{Tr}\left[\mathcal{P} \exp\left\{i\oint _{\mathcal{C}} A_{\mu } dx^{\mu }\right\}\right] \end{equation} where $\mathcal{P} $ is the path ordering, $A_{\mu }$ is the gauge field.
And closed-path Berry phase is defined as \begin{equation*} \gamma _{n} =\oint _{c} A\cdot dR \end{equation*} where A is the Berry connection \begin{equation} A=i\ \langle n(R)| \nabla _{R}| n(R)\rangle \end{equation}
$| n(R)\rangle $ is the eigenstate of Hamiltonian $\hat{H}(R)$, which depends on parameter $R$.
Since they can both be viewed as holonomy , my question is under what condition could they be identical? Or when could Berry connection be interpreted as gauge field in Yang-Mills theory?