The double split experiment is setup so you shine a laser beam over the double slit i.e the beam completely covers the slit.
In the case of sending a single photon how can this be an equivalent setup? Surely a single photon would be blocked by the slit or just pass through the slit with plenty of room.
I understand the wave like motion that explains this phenomenon but am struggling to apply this to a single photon. It is almost like the entire cross-sectional area of the beam is being called a photon. Otherwise what is determining the how wide an area the single photon can interact with? If the slit was made huge obviously the single photon would pass right through just as a normal beam would, so it's like the cross-sectional size of the beam is preserved.
In experiments a single photon is isolated by using filtering. So one would assume that these filters affect the entire cross-sectional area of the beam equally. Apparently a photon has a particular and very small size e.g much smaller than the surface area of the beam. So how is it that only one photon across the entire beam makes it through, especially as this is coherent light?
If it is the case that the material of the filter is so complex that it randomly allows through one photon with enough time before the next one (to allow a measurement) that is fair enough but then I go back to the original part of the question and assume that this photon has originated from a particular point on the cross-section of the beam and therefore could be thought of a just a tiny laser that could be sent through the slit like any other beam. It's not like that photon could have originated from any part of the beam cross-section, it should have a distinct origin. Or does it?
In other words when filtering a beam to a single photon how is this any different than just setting up a very tiny laser beam. As far as I understand there is no connection between the individual photons usually being emitted by the laser so the fact the single photon emerged from a larger light source should be irrelevant.
That said of course if the laser was tiny it would just shine straight through the slit if positioned correctly. So what is the connection between filtering down to a single photon and that photon originating from a larger source of light?