I am a Ph.D. student working on quasinormal modes of black holes. I am following the paper https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1985ApJ...291L..33S/abstract which is perhaps the first paper on calculating quasinormal modes using WKB approzimation upto 1st order. The basic equation that describes perturbation of a schwarzschild black hole is
d$^2$ $\psi$/dr$_*$$^2$ + {$\sigma$ $^2$ - [1 - (2/r)][$\lambda$/r$^2$ + (2$\beta$/r$^3$)]} $\psi$ = 0 (Equation 7 in tha paper).
From my understanding , the term [1 - (2/r)][$\lambda$/r$^2$ + (2$\beta$/r$^3$)] represents potential. (Please correct me if I am wrong). My doubt is
a] from where this potential is coming from ? Is this regge wheeler potential ?
b] Why $\beta$ = 1, 0, -3 for scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations respectively ?
It would be very helpful if someone could clear my doubts or provide any helpful refernces. Thank you in advance!