It appears throughout history that the glory goes towards who proposes a theory and outlines the math behind it, the first person to experimentally test it, but not all the hundreds of experiments afterwards.
For the first group, there is a great incentive. For the 2nd or 3rd groups, who may have started around the same time but weren't done when the 1st group published, the incentives are still there. Scientists continue coming up with different ways to test the theory and publishing papers, life goes on great. But at some point you have too much evidence and yet people keep adding to the pile.
For example, special relativity has been tested by hundreds of experiments and is continuously tested everyday by satellites orbiting Earth. Is there any reason for someone to have added the 201st paper on the topic? I guess not, but someone did. Why are those papers published then?
On a related note, the 2nd or 3rd confirmation is still doing a great service. However, does the scientist behind it ever feel bad no one (except their colleagues) remembers their name, only the person who invented the theory and perhaps the first tester?