From wikipedia we have for Scale-Factor $a(t)$:
".. two galaxy clusters, moving with the Hubble flow in an expanding or contracting FLRW universe at any arbitrary time "t" to their distance at some reference time t0". The formula for this is:" $$ d(t) = a(t) * d_0\tag {F1}$$ "..if at present time we receive light from a distant object with a redshift of z, then the scale factor at the time the object originally emitted that light is" $$ a(t) = 1/(1+z)\tag{F2} $$
and after:
"..For a dark-energy-dominated universe, the evolution of the scale factor in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric is easily obtained solving the Friedmann equations:"
$$a(t) = \text{constant} * \exp(H_0 t) \tag{F3}$$
"...{ Here, the coefficient H0 in the exponential is the Hubble constant.)"
Well, I think the formula [F2] is wrong, the correct should be :
$$a(t) = (1+z)$$
because the greater the speed, the greater the distance and also the greater the redshift. Or am I mistaken?