A typical simulation of lattice quantum chromodynamics uses imaginary time, so the weight function of the path integral is positive definite $e^{-S_E}$.
In the case of metropolis-hastings, the algorithm is basically:
- Initialize the field with random numbers from a normal distribution
- Pick a random point on a 4-dimensional lattice
- Generate candidate from distribution and calculate the action difference $ΔS$.
- Generate a uniform random number $ u \in [0,1] $ Accept configuration if $ΔS<0$ or $u <= e^{-ΔS}$
- Repeat 2,3,4 for all lattice points.
- Repeat 5 for $n$ iterations;
So let's say we want to simulate it in real time , how to do it using Monte Carlo importance sampling? The weight function is a complex exponential $e^{iS_M}$.
I have read that it is possible to carry out a reweighing procedure in order to make the weight function positive definite. But this leads to large cancellations of contributions to path integral and sign problem. Anyway i want to hear a lattice experts.
Also how would you account a time-slicing in the algorithm?