In Ref. 1, a system of $N$ (identical) fermions is considered. The system is enclosed in a cubic box of volume $\Omega=L^3$ and periodic boundary conditions are employed, that is (I'll change and ease the notation a bit): $$ \langle x_1\ldots x_j+L_i\ldots x_N|\Psi\rangle = \langle x_1\ldots x_j\ldots x_N|\Psi\rangle \tag{E.2}$$ for all $j=1,\ldots,N$ and $i=1,2,3$. It is then stated that:
Although these conditions seem natural they are not trivial in the presence of many-body interactions. This is because the many-body interaction is invariant under the simultaneous translation of all particles, i.e., $v(x − x^\prime) = v((x + L_i ) − (x^\prime + L_i ))$ but not under the translation of a single particle. The Hamiltonian does not therefore have a symmetry compatible with the boundary conditions (E.2). To solve this problem we replace the two-body interaction by $$v(x − x^\prime ) = \frac{1}{\Omega} \sum\limits_k\, \tilde v_k\,e^{ik(x-x^\prime)} \quad , \tag{E.3}$$ [...] With this replacement and the BvK boundary conditions $(\mathrm{E.2})$ the eigenvalue equation for the Hamiltonian $H$ becomes well-defined (of course the spatial integrations in $(\mathrm{E.1})$ must be restricted to the box).
The relevant equation of the Hamiltonian is $$H= \int\mathrm dx\, \psi^\dagger(x) \, \left(-\nabla/2 -V(x)\right)\,\psi(x)\,\tag{E.1} + \frac{1}{2} \int \mathrm dx\,\mathrm dy \,v(x,y)\, \psi^\dagger(x)\,\psi^\dagger(y)\, \psi(y)\,\psi(x) \quad , $$
where, by the usual abuse of notation, $v(x,y)=v(x-y)$.
I wonder what exactly the authors mean by saying that The Hamiltonian does not therefore have a symmetry compatible with the boundary conditions $(\mathrm{E.2})$ and why the replacement is necessary.
My understanding is that the boundary conditions do not fix the domain of $H$, but instead mean that the single-particle Hilbert space is $\mathfrak h=L^2(\mathbb T^3)$ (neglecting spin) instead of $L^2(\Omega)$ and the corresponding $N$-particle space is $H_N:= \wedge^N \mathfrak h$, i.e. the $N$-fold antisymmetric tensor product. This is for example used (for a non-interacting system) in Ref. 2.
So why should the lack of a symmetry (I guess the authors mean that the Hamiltonian is not invariant under the application of the (discrete) translation operator) of the Hamiltonian be problematic? Do the authors claim that $H$ in $(\mathrm{E.1})$ without the replacement of $v$ (but with integration restricted to the volume $\Omega$) is not an operator on $H_N$?
I guess/have the feeling that one can also rephrase the question for a non-interacting system (even of a single-particle) with a non-periodic external potential. See also this related MathSE question and answer.
Ref. 1: Nonequilibrium many-body theory of quantum systems. Stefanucci and Leuuwen. Cambridge University Press. Appendix E, page 529.
Ref. 2: Mathematical Quantum Theory. Lecture notes 2019. Marcello Porta. Section 9.4.1, page 103. A PDF can be found here.