Is there a proof that time is a 4th dimension?
If it is, then why not measure it in units of the previous three? Logical right?
How many seconds is a temporal meter?
Is there a proof that time is a 4th dimension?
If it is, then why not measure it in units of the previous three? Logical right?
How many seconds is a temporal meter?
How many seconds is a temporal meter?
Approximately 3.33564095 nanoseconds
Sure, it'd be $1/c$ seconds, which is exactly $1/299792458\text{ s}$. Although, really, there's no point because time is defined as a multiple of $c$, anyways.
As for proof that time is the fourth dimension, there's no 'proof' like any scientific theory (there's just evidence) and unlike mathematics, but one fairly large point of (fairly accessible) evidence is in your GPS. Look up "General Relativity and GPS."
It's not hard to imagine people's reactions if their GPS told them they were in the middle of Antarctica flying 500 metres in the air.
The number of seconds it takes for light to travel the distance. One formulation is to make this an imaginary value to explain the metric sign convention, but it's more conventional to explain this via different covariant and contravariant representations, since the "imaginary space" explanation doesn't agree with simple things like a complex norm.