Actually I was listening to a about cyclotrons and the lecturer used $$KE=(\gamma -1)mc^2$$
For calculating radius of the particle's path. But can we use that equation as kinetic energy equation. Because in a circular motion the force is independent of velocity and thus $\gamma$ (as said by
So while calculating the kinetic energy for this one we should use: $$F=\gamma ma$$
Or shouldn't we?
If we use the $F=\gamma ma$ for calculating kinetic energy we take $\int \gamma mvdv$ ($adx = vdv$) instead of $\int \gamma^3 mvdv$. My question is whether I should use first method or the second method for calculating kinetic energy?
If we have to use other one then does that mean kinetic energy is not $(\gamma -1)mc²$
I am really confused. Please help me in this and tell me whether my assumption is right or not. If not please rectify me.