Newton's equation for gravity calculates gravitational force between two bodies $$F= GMm/r^2$$
My question is: How does the force change as these two bodies accelerate together through the universe and approach light speed?
You might argue there should be no change because both bodies are accelerating together and stay the same relative to each other. Consider a planet and a moonbase. They people on each site will experience the same time dilation according to special relativity. Special relativity allows us to adjust the kinematics equation for an object as it approaches the speed of light. The Lorentz factor concisely describes this
$\gamma=1/\sqrt{1 \ - \ v^2/c^2}$.
So, relativistic mass increases with velocity $M=m\gamma$ The force then increases as gamma squared (because the mass of the planet and the moon both increase) $F= G \frac{Mm}{ (1 \ - \ v^2/c^2) \ r^2}$. If I read that right, it says force goes to infinity as a planetary pair reach lightspeed together.
I found this: But it seems not exactly relevant as it discusses the measurement of gravity between two masses moving at relativistic speeds to each other. I am talking about the gravity within a solar system that is accelerating and reaching a velocity away from ours approaching light speed.
If gravitational force indeed increases then orbital mechanics of the solar system would be different than ours. Solar systems very far away (which happen to be close to light speed due to the Hubble expansion) would have a much greater gravitational milieu. That means that the planets orbit their sun a lot faster than expected at a given distance from their sun.
Please point out the error in my analysis gently. This discussion assumes the gravitational constant,G, does not change as objects accelerate and reach light speed.