I'm reading wikipedia's page on the LSZ reduction formula
For the scalar LSZ reduction formula, after performaing a Fourier transform on the $n$-point correlation function, we get
$$\langle p_1,...,p_n, \text{out}|q_1,...,q_n,\text{in}\rangle=\prod_{i=1}^n\bigg\{-\frac{i(p_i^2-m^2)}{(2\pi)^{3/2}Z^{1/2}}\bigg\}\prod_{j=1}^n\bigg\{-\frac{i(q_j^2-m^2)}{(2\pi)^{3/2}Z^{1/2}}\bigg\}\Gamma(p_1,...,p_n,-q_1,...,-q_m).$$
My question is: why isn't this zero? Since $p_i^2-m^2=0$ and $q_j^2-m^2=0$; since $m$ is the mass and $p_i,q_j$ are the in, out four momentum vectors. Is this because we are supposed to use a different mass $m$?