Mathematically, every $\mathcal C^2$ function given by: \begin{equation}c^2\nabla^2F=\dfrac{\partial^2 F}{\partial t^2}\end{equation} Can be decomposed into two other $\mathcal C^2$ functions $g,h$ in the following manner: \begin{equation}F=g(x+ct)+h(x-ct)\end{equation} Constituting the solution to the wave equation.
Usually, one takes to interpret that as being possible to decompose every wave into right and left travelling components. Well, mathematically, it's not hard to derive an analytical solution in the latter form.
But, physically, what does it mean exactly for every wave to have this inner property of being able to be described by left and right travelling components?
Going even out of my way here, Schroendiger's Equation is obviously a wave equation that arose essentially by De Broglie's work on matter waves and Maxwell's derivation of the Wave Equations for the EM field, even there, in subatomic scale, this pure mathematical reasoning holds?