Consider some quantity from QFT $\langle 0| \hat{F}|0\rangle$. This can be written in terms of path integrals as:
$$\frac{\int F[\phi] e^{iS[\phi]} D\phi}{\int e^{iS[\phi]} D\phi}$$
if the limits are taken carefully.
Now consider a theory (such as string theory) with multiple vacuums $|0_1\rangle$, $|0_2\rangle$ etc. Now I would assume that the depending on which vacuum the Universe has settled in we would get different values for $\langle 0_i| \hat{F}|0_i\rangle$. And yet it seems to be written identically in terms of path integrals. Does this mean path integrals are many-valued. (In the same way as a many-valued function such as $\pm\sqrt{x}$ ?)
Does this mean either:
(1) My reasoning is wrong
(2) Path integral expressions can be multi-valued (depending on how the limits are taken?)
(3) The value of $\langle F\rangle$ gives the same value for any vacuum?
(4) Actions don't really have multiple vacuums.
(5) The operator $\hat{F}$ is different depending on the vacuum.
(6) Something else.
From a previous question I think the above path integral expression should be equal to a sum of multiple degenerate vaccua:
$$\sum_n \alpha_n\langle 0_n |\hat{F} |0_n\rangle$$
which makes me wonder about a couple of things: Is there a path integral expression which singles out the value for a particular vacuum? Are all the coefficients $\alpha_n$ the same? What meaning does this expression have? It seems to sum over all values of $F$ for all different vaccua which doesn't seem useful!