From Random-Matrix Theory, Hamiltonians are classified in three different ensembles depending on the spectrum statistics (Gaussian Orthogonal (GOE) , Gaussian Unitary (GUE), Gaussian Simplectic (GSE)). It is argued that the difference between Hamiltonians following GOE and those with GUE is that the later do not preserve Time Reversal Symmetry (TRS).
If we consider a simple free electron model in the tight-binding approximation, we write its Hamiltonian in second quantization: \begin{eqnarray} H=-\sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow,\langle i,j\rangle}c_{i\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{j \sigma}+\text{H.c.}+\sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow,i}\varepsilon_{i\sigma}c_{i\sigma}^{ \dagger}c_{i\sigma}=H_0 + \sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow,i}\varepsilon_{i\sigma}c_{i\sigma}^{ \dagger}c_{i\sigma} \end{eqnarray} where we will assume the on-site energies to depend on the spin as $\varepsilon_{i\sigma}=\sigma B_{i}$, i.e. for $\sigma=\uparrow$ we have $\varepsilon_{i\uparrow}=+B_{i}$ and for $\sigma=\downarrow$ we have $\varepsilon_{i\downarrow}=-B_{i}$, with $B_{i}$ a external field parameter that breaks translational symmetry (depends on the lattice site $i$).
Under TRS (anti-unitary transformation), if we call such transformation $T$, we must have $Tc_{j\sigma}T^{-1}=c_{j,-\sigma}^{\dagger}$, so that when we invert the arrow of time, we create a particle with opposite spin. The first term in $H_0$ is invariant under this transformation, but the second term is not, since the TRS will generally add an overall constant of energy and the minus sign in $\varepsilon_{i\sigma}$ gets swapped.
The question is, since TRS is in principle broken in such system, should its spectrum LSS follow a GUE rather than the GOE? If not, why is this the case? How would the situation change if $H$ is Hermitian, but with complex entries in $H_0$ instead? If I got this right, in principle any TRS operation can be completely defined by its action on the operators and written as $T=UK$, with $U$ a unitary matrix and $K$ complex conjugation (no transpose) $KOK^{-1}=O^{*}$ for an arbitrary operator $O$.