I’m currently studying for an exam concerning Low Dimensional Systems. The professor asked at the exam this question: why energy bands are flat at the edges? I was not present at the exam session, so I don’t know the specific context of the background, but I believe it was talking about the nearly free electron model and the bands resulting after the opening of the gap. Could you help me? I know that the answer involves periodicity and standing waves, but I don’t know much more. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: to add more context, I’m in the situation where I’m applying the nearly free electron model and I want to study the energy of two degenerate states satisfying the von Laue condition (k = k’+K), where k and k’ are two points of the reciprocal lattice and K is a vector belonging to the reciprocal lattice. The resulting wavefunction is the sum of two stationary waves (a sine and a cosine), but I don’t know how this result leads to the flat edges of the band at the edges of the First Brillouin Zone.