Consider the $\beta^-$ decay: $$n^0\to p^++e^-+{\bar\nu}_e.$$ The spin angular momenta of all the particles are given by $$S_n=S_p=S_e=S_{\nu_e}=1/2.$$ Therefore, by the addition of the angular momentum, the total spin of the final state particles can be either $S_f=3/2$ or $S_f=1/2$ which is the total spin of the initial state is $S_i=1/2$ (where $S_i=S_n$ in the our case). Here, I have uniformly used uppercase letter $``S"$ to denote the spin quantum numbers.
I want to know whether the conservation of angular momentum require both $$\boxed{S_i=S_f ~~{\rm and}~~ S_{iz}=S_{fz}?}$$
Let the initial neutron is in the spin state $S_i=1/2, S_{iz}=+1/2$. If that is the case, no decay is possible in which the final state particles are produced in the states $$|S_f=3/2,S_{fz}=-3/2\rangle$$ because $S_f\neq S_i$. Same reasoning forbids, the final state particles to be produced in the spin states $$|3/2,-1/2\rangle,~~ |3/2,1/2\rangle,~~ {\rm and} ~~|3/2,3/2\rangle.$$
The only possible spin state in which the final state particles can be produced is $|S_f=1/2,S_{fz}=+1/2\rangle$ if $|S_i=1/2, S_{iz}=+1/2\rangle$. Similarly, the only allowed total spin state in which the final state particles is $|S_f=1/2,S_{fz}=-1/2\rangle$ if $|S_i=1/2, S_{iz}=-1/2\rangle$. And if the initial neutron is not in an eigenstate of $S_{iz}$, but say, $S_{ix}$ then there is definite probability that the final state particles will be in spin state $|S_f=1/2,S_{fz}=-1/2\rangle$ state and a definite probability to be produced in $|S_f=1/2,S_{fz}=+1/2\rangle$ state.
Please correct if there is anything wrong because this is not well explained in books.