Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question.
The Many World Interpretation (MWI) says that, at every point in time, the universe splits into a multitude of existences in which every possible outcome actually happens in parallel.
According to the MWI, does the universe really split at every point in time with all possible outcomes, or does it only split in relation to the objects that are observed?
As I understand (and I don't understand much TBH), according to the Copenhagen Interpretation, only one of the possible states "is picked" when you observe a particle (the waves collapse and so on). And so far, I thought that, according to the MWI, universe splits would only happen when particles were observed, similarly to the idea from the Copenhagen Interpretation. But by reading the quote above, I'm not sure anymore.
As an example: is the cat always dead and alive in different branches of the universe regardless of being observed or not, or does the universe only slip when someone looks at the cat?