In the Saclay Lectures on EFT, the author Falkowski claims under eq. (2.29) on p. 22:
Note that $\hbar$ counting still works at the loop-level. To see this, one should take into account that, when $\hbar$ is retrieved in the action, the loop expansion parameter is really $\frac{\hbar}{16\pi^2}$.
$\hbar$ counting at tree level is fine: the Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}$ is $\hbar^1$, the kinetic-mass term is classical so it doesn't have any powers of $\hbar$, so the fields are all $\hbar^{1/2}$ and from that information, one can find the $\hbar$-power of all the coupling constants. But how do I find the $\hbar$-power of a loop parameter, which is basically a number? My only idea was that if $$S=S^{\text{tree}}+\hbar S^{\text{1-loop}}+\hbar^2 S^{\text{2-loop}}+\dots$$ then $S^{\text{1-loop}}$ coefficient must have dimension $\hbar^{1}$, but I don't know if the above expansion is correct (and if it is, I don't know why).
Update: this answer seems to include the desired information, so I'll try to gather something from there. I'd still appreciate an answer explicitly explaining the fact that the "loop parameter" is $\hbar^1$.