The prof says: "for 1Dimensional bound states with a real potential, the wave function is real, up to a phase". The proof goes like this:
1D bound states are never degenerated. So $\Psi_{real}$ and $\Psi_{imaginary}$ are linearly dependent. So $\Psi \equiv \Psi_{real} +i\Psi_{imaginary}=\Psi_{real} (1+ic)=(1+c^2)e^{iArg(1+ic)}\Psi_{real}$
Whatever the proof, I don't understand the statement since any complex number (the wavefunction is one complex number) is in some way real up to a phase. So I don't really understand what this theorem is trying to teach us.
PS: I cannot ask directly the professor because I study from a video recorded 6 years ago