I guess you may be making a reasonable point here, when speaking about this particular metric.
Assume the space-time is split into $(t , \, x) \, \in \, \mathbb{R} \times M_3$, where $M_3$ is one of the three possible 3D geometric manifolds: Euclidean, spherical or hyperbolic. Then I will write the 4D space-time metric as
$$d\tau^2 \,=\, dt^2 \, - \,a(t)^2\big(\, dx^T g(x) \, dx\,\big)$$
where $g(x)$ is the $3 \times 3$ matrix of the geometric metric of the 3D manifold $M_3$.
When parametrized with respect to proper time (this is a crucial assumption so I will go with it!), the geodesic equations can be written as
&\frac{d}{d\tau} \left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{x}}\right) \, =\,
\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial {x}}\\
&\frac{d}{d\tau} \left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{t}}\right) \, =\,
\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial {t}}
where the function $\mathcal{L} $ is defined as
$$\mathcal{L} \,=\, \frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{dt}{d\tau}\right)^2 - \,\frac{1}{2} \,a(t)^2\left(\,\frac{dx}{d\tau}^T g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\,\right)$$
Consequently, the first set of equations
$$\frac{d}{d\tau} \left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{x}}\right) \, =\,
\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial {x}}$$ can be written as
$$\frac{d}{d\tau} \left( -\, a(t)^2 g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\, \right) \, =\, -\, \frac{1}{2} \,
a(t)^2\left(\,\frac{dx}{d\tau}^T \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} (x) \, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\,\right)$$
or after cancelling the minus sign
$$\frac{d}{d\tau} \left(\, a(t)^2 g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\, \right) \, =\, \frac{1}{2} \,
a(t)^2\left(\,\frac{dx}{d\tau}^T \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} (x) \, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\,\right)$$
By introduce the new parametrization
$$\frac{d}{d\lambda} \,=\, a(t)^2\,\frac{d}{d\tau} \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, {d\lambda} \,=\, \frac{1}{a(t)^2}{d\tau}$$ and thus
$$\frac{d}{d\tau} \, =\,\frac{1}{a(t)^2}\,\frac{d}{d\lambda}$$
the equations simplify to
$$\frac{1}{a(t)^2}\, \frac{d}{d\lambda}\left(\, g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\lambda}\, \right) \, =\, \frac{1}{2} \,
a(t)^2\left(\,\frac{1}{a(t)^2}\,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} (x) \, \frac{1}{a(t)^2}\, \frac{dx}{d\tau}\,\right)$$
and by factoring out the common factor $1/a(t)^2$ in the righthand side
$$\frac{1}{a(t)^2}\, \frac{d}{d\lambda}\left(\, g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\lambda}\, \right) \, =\, \frac{1}{2} \,
\frac{a(t)^2}{a(t)^4}\, \left(\,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} (x) \,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}\,\right)$$
we arrive at the geodesic equations for the 3D geodesics of the geometric manifold $M_3$
$$\frac{d}{d\lambda}\left(\, g(x) \, \frac{dx}{d\lambda}\, \right) \, =\, \frac{1}{2} \,\left(\,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} (x) \,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}\,\right)$$
which in all three cases are easy and explicit to write, so let's simply write them as $x = x(\lambda)$. Moreover, the parameter $\lambda$ is actually the arclength parameter of the geometric 3D metric
$$d\lambda^2 \,= \, dx^T g(x) \, dx$$ This yields the conservation law
$$\frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T g(x) \,\frac{dx}{d\lambda} \, =\, 1$$
The final equation for the coordinate time variable $t$ can be derived by cutting corners and use the fact that when parametrized by proper time $\tau$, the metric is a conserved quantity. This is equivalent to simply going back to the original metric
$$d\tau^2 \,=\, dt^2 \, - \,a(t)^2\big(\, dx^T g(x) \, dx\,\big)$$
and reparametrizing
$$d\tau \,=\, a(t)^2 d\lambda$$ which leads to
$$a(t)^4 \, d\lambda^2 \,=\, dt^2 \, - \,a(t)^2\big(\, dx^T g(x) \, dx\,\big)$$
so from here we get the differential equation
$$1 \,=\, \frac{1}{\,a(t)^4} \left(\frac{dt}{d\lambda}\right)^2 \, - \, \frac{1}{\,a(t)^2}\left(\, \frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T g (x) \,\frac{dx}{d\lambda}\,\right)$$
and since $\frac{dx}{d\lambda}^T g (x) \,\frac{dx}{d\lambda} \, = \, 1$ the equations is now
$$1 \,=\, \frac{1}{\,a(t)^4} \left(\frac{dt}{d\lambda}\right)^2 \, - \, \frac{1}{\,a(t)^2}$$
After rearranging it, it becomes
$$ \left(\frac{dt}{d\lambda}\right)^2 \,=\, a(t)^4 \, + \, {\,a(t)^2}$$
or if you prefer
$$ \frac{dt}{d\lambda}\,=\, \sqrt{\, a(t)^4 \, + \, {\,a(t)^2} \, }$$
To put things together, the space-time geodesics, parametrized by the geometric 3D arclength $\lambda$ can be written as
& x \,=\, x(\lambda)\\
& \frac{dt}{d\lambda}\,=\, \sqrt{\, a(t)^4 \, + \, {\,a(t)^2} \, }
Recall that the link between the 3D geometric arclength $\lambda$ and the proper time $\tau$ is described by the differential equation
$$\frac{d\tau}{d\lambda} \, =\, a(t)^2$$