I think that my problem is not having a formal definition of how the exterior covariant derivative works. What I know is that the exterior covariant derivative $D_A$ is defined as a generalization of the exterior derivative $d$ $$ D_A:=d+\rho(A)\wedge \ , $$ where $A=A_\mu^I\, dx^\mu \, T_I$ is the gauge-potential field with respect to my Lie algebra $\mathcal{G}$ and $\rho(A)$ is some representation of $A$ depending on what will be the object on which this $D_A$ will act. Greek letters $\mu,\nu,\dots$ are indices of space-time, while uppercase latin letters $I,J,K,\dots$ are internal indices; $\{T_I\}$ are the generators of the Lie algebra.
$\phi=\phi^I\, T_I \in \Omega^0(\mathcal{G})$ is a Lie algebra-valued 0-form $$ \begin{aligned} D_A \phi & =d\phi +\rho ( A) \phi =\\ & =\left( \partial _{\mu } \phi ^{I} T_{I} +A_{\mu }^{J} \phi ^{I} \rho ( T_{J}) \blacktriangleright T_{I}\right) dx^{\mu } =\\ & =\left( \partial _{\mu } \phi ^{K} +A_{\mu }^{J} \phi ^{I} c_{JI}^{K}\right) dx^{\mu }\, T_{K} \ , \end{aligned} $$ where I used the fact that $\rho ( T_{J}) \blacktriangleright T_{I}$ is the adjoint representation, so $\rho ( T_{J}) \blacktriangleright T_{I}=[T_J,T_I]=c_{JI}^K\, T_K$ and $c_{JK}^I$ are the structure constants of $\mathcal{G}$. I am interested in the gauge-covariant derivative expressed in terms of components, so here I obtained that $$ \mathcal{D}_\mu \phi^K= \partial _{\mu } \phi ^{K} +A_{\mu }^{J} \phi ^{I} c_{JI}^{K} \ , $$ which seems reasonable.
$\omega=\omega_\mu^I\,dx^\mu\, T_I \in \Omega^1(\mathcal{G})$ is a Lie algebra-valued 1-form $$ \begin{aligned} D_A \omega & =d\omega +\rho ( A) \land \omega =\\ & =\partial _{\mu } \omega _{\nu }^{I} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } T_{I} +A_{\mu }^{I} \omega _{\nu }^{J} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } \rho ( T_{I}) \blacktriangleright T_{J} =\\ & =\tfrac{1}{2}\left(\left( \partial _{\mu } \omega _{\nu }^{K} -\partial _{\nu } \omega _{\mu }^{K}\right) +\left( A_{\mu }^{I} \omega _{\nu }^{J} -A_{\nu }^{I} \omega _{\mu }^{J}\right) c_{IJ}^{K}\right) T_{K} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } =\\ & =\tfrac{1}{2}\left(\left( \partial _{\mu } \omega _{\nu }^{K} +c_{IJ}^{K} A_{\mu }^{I} \omega _{\nu }^{J}\right) -\left( \partial _{\nu } \omega _{\mu }^{K} +c_{IJ}^{K} A_{\nu }^{I} \omega _{\mu }^{J}\right)\right) T_{K} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } =\\ & =\tfrac{1}{2}\left(\mathcal{D}_{\mu } \omega _{\nu }^{K} -\mathcal{D}_{\nu } \omega _{\mu }^{K}\right) T_{K} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } \ , \end{aligned} $$ where of course now I obtained that the exterior gauge-covariant derivative $D_A\omega$ is related to the anti-symmetrization of the gauge-covariant derivative $\mathcal{D}_{\mu } \omega _{\nu }^{K}$ (as the exterior derivative $d$ is related to the derivative $\partial_\mu$ through $d\omega=\tfrac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \omega_\nu-\partial_\nu\omega_\mu)dx^\mu \wedge dx^\nu$ by definition - here $d$ has been promoted to $D_A$ and $\partial_\mu$ to $\mathcal{D}_\mu$ in order to obtain gauge-covariant derivatives).
What if now I want to use the same reasoning with the gauge-potential $A$ itself? It is a Lie algebra-valued 1-form, so I should follow the same steps of what I have done for $\omega$, but I do not obtain the usual definition of the YM field-strength $F$, which is usually written as $$ F_{\mu\nu}^I=\partial_\mu A_\nu^I-\partial_\nu A_\mu^I + A_\mu^J A_\nu^K c_{JK}^I \ , $$ while, following the same steps of point 2. I obtain $$ \begin{aligned} F=D_{A} A & =dA+\rho ( A) \land A=\\ & =\partial _{\mu } A_{\nu }^{I} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } T_{I} +A_{\mu }^{I} A_{\nu }^{J} dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } \rho ( T_{I}) \blacktriangleright T_{J} =\\ & =\tfrac{1}{2}\left(\left( \partial _{\mu } A_{\nu }^{K} -\partial _{\nu } A_{\mu }^{K}\right) +\left( A_{\mu }^{I} A_{\nu }^{J} -A_{\nu }^{I} A_{\mu }^{J}\right) c_{IJ}^{K}\right) T_{K} \ dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } =\\ & =\tfrac{1}{2}\left(\left( \partial _{\mu } A_{\nu }^{K} -\partial _{\nu } A_{\mu }^{K}\right) +2A_{\mu }^{I} A_{\nu }^{J} c_{IJ}^{K}\right) T_{K} \ dx^{\mu } \land dx^{\nu } \ , \end{aligned} $$ meaning that I have an extra factor 2 in the second term, i.e. $$ F_{\mu\nu}^I=\partial_\mu A_\nu^I-\partial_\nu A_\mu^I + 2A_\mu^J A_\nu^K c_{JK}^I \ . $$
What am I doing wrong?