Since hermitian conjugation and complex conjugation are serious issues in a QFT lagrangian with Grassmann variables, see here and here. Let us try to go to the bottom.
We start by accepting the Grassmann variable has the property $\eta \theta = -\theta \eta$. In Peskin & Schroeder eq 9.65, they wrote for complex Grassmann variable
It is convenient to define complex conjugation to reverse the order of products, just like the Hermitian conjugation of operators: $$\text{ P&S eq 9.65: }(\theta \eta)^* = \eta^* \theta^*= -\theta^* \eta^*. \tag{1}$$
question 1: why do we define complex conjugation $*$ this way? why $(\theta \eta)^* = \eta^* \theta^*= -\theta^* \eta^*$?
Note that this complex conjugation $*$ is not yet hermitian conjugate $\dagger$, see below.
Follow P&S below eq.9.56, the complex valued Grassmann variables $$ \theta =\theta_1 + i\theta_2, \quad \theta^* =\theta_1 - i\theta_2 $$ $$ \eta =\eta_1 + i\eta_2, \quad \eta^* =\eta_1 - i\eta_2 $$
Then we derive that
(\theta \eta)^*=((\theta_1 + i\theta_2)(\eta_1 + i\eta_2))^*
=((\theta_1\eta_1 -\theta_2\eta_2) + i(\theta_1\eta_2 +\theta_2\eta_1))^*
=(\theta_1\eta_1 -\theta_2\eta_2) - i(\theta_1\eta_2 +\theta_2\eta_1)
To make comparisons,
\theta^* \eta^*
=(\theta_1- i\theta_2)(\eta_1 - i\eta_2)
=(\theta_1\eta_1 -\theta_2\eta_2) - i(\theta_1\eta_2 +\theta_2\eta_1).
Thus I showed that $$(\theta \eta)^* = +\theta^* \eta^*. \tag{2}$$
So P&S equation (1) contradicts with my (2). Why is that?
question 2: Does it make sense to define tranposed on Grassmann variable? do we have $(\theta \eta)^T = \pm \eta^T \theta^T= \pm \eta \theta= \mp \eta \theta$?
What is the plus or minus sign here?