Is it possible to prove the Blackbody radiation law using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem?
Has it been done, or is there some reason why it wouldn't work? I would appreciate if you could point me towards some resources.
I know that Boltzmann first derived it on purely thermodynamic grounds (although that didn't give him the constant of proportionality in $u = a T^4$). That can be obtained with the following derivation, based on the quantisation of energy:
- Start from the Boltzmann probability:
$$p(n) = \frac{ \displaystyle e^{-E_n / k_B T}}{ \displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{e^{-E_n / k_B T}}} \, , $$
where $E_n = n \hbar \omega $
- Mean energy per mode:
$$\overline{E} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{E_n \, p(n)} = \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} E_n \, \displaystyle e^{-E_n / k_B T}}{ \displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{e^{-E_n / k_B T}}} \, .$$
Using summation rules, we find:
$$\overline{E} = \frac{\hbar \omega}{e^{\hbar \omega / k_B T} -1} \, .$$
- Number of modes per frequency interval is:
$$n(\omega) d \omega = \frac{\omega^2 k_B T}{\pi^2 c^3} d \omega \, .$$
- Hence, the energy density of radiation is:
$$u(\omega) d\omega = \frac{\omega^2 k_B T}{\pi^2 c^3} \frac{\hbar \omega}{e^{\hbar \omega / k_B T} -1} d \omega \, , $$
which is the Planck distribution function.
- Integrate to obtain the Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
$$u = a\, T^4$$ .