From Quantum Economics and Finance: An Applied Mathematics Introduction by David Orrell
Consider $$H=H_C \otimes H_P$$ where $H=H_C$ is the coin space spanned by $\{|\uparrow\rangle,|\downarrow\rangle\}$ and position space $H_P$ is spanned by a discrete set of position basis states $\{|x_j\rangle:j \in Z \}$
Consider the translation operator of the quantum walk,
$$ T = |\uparrow\rangle \langle\uparrow|\otimes \sum_j|x_{j+1}\rangle\langle x_j|+|\downarrow\rangle \langle \downarrow | \otimes \sum_j |x_{j-1}\rangle\langle x_j| $$
which has the effect of shifting the position $x_j$ up or down depending on whether the coin state is up or down.
If |$\uparrow$> means coin toss represents by vector (1 0), what does <$\uparrow$ | mean and why we need it?
In addition, how should we view |xj+1⟩ w.r.t ⟨xj|?
Thank you :)