I'm studying the Susskind lecture on statistical mechanics. A potential energy of pairwise interactions has been defined:
$$\sum_{n>m}U(|x_n -x_m|)$$
We want to calculate the partition function, and we start by evaluating the potential energy term by considering the interaction of a single pair, through the integral of potential energy between two particles over all possible positions:
$$\int dx_1^3 dx_2^3 U(|x_1-x_2|)$$
Now,there are 2 steps,
- Assuming that $U$ goes to zero at large distances, hold particle $1$ fixed and integrate over all possible positions of particle $2$: $\int dx^3 U(|x|)=U_0$
- Integrating over the position of particle $1$ gives a factor of volume, $V$.
Conclusion: $$\int dx_1^3 dx_2^3 U(|x_1-x_2|)=VU_0$$
I cannot understand steps 1 and 2. It looks pure magic to me. Is there a formal way to explain how the integral is broken up in two parts, why we can consider the position fixed, and why the results are equivalent?