For the Euclidean case, we have that spinors transform under the $\mathbf{2}$ representation of (the double cover of) $SO(3,\mathbb{R})$. It would seem to me that since vectors live in $\mathbf{3}$, and have three real free components before we impose any field equations, and rank-$2$ tensors have $\mathbf{3}\otimes\mathbf{3} = \mathbf{1}\oplus\mathbf{3}\oplus\mathbf{5} \rightarrow 9$ real degrees of freedom, spinors ought to have two free real components.
Obviously a spinor $\psi$ cannot be taken to be always real, but this would imply that any one spinor could be transformed into a basis where $\psi\in\mathbb{R}^2 $. However usually the spinor is presented as having four free components: two real and two imaginary. It is not clear to me why simply because there is no real form of the $2$-dimensional representation, that we must switch to complex dimension instead of real (Indeed, $SU(2)$ is a real Lie Algebra of real dimension $3$, despite the presence of complex values; I don't see why this equivocation between real and complex dimension happens suddenly for spinors)