If we consider a quantum harmonic oscillator, the ground state energy $\hbar\omega/2$ is typically stated to be not measurable, as energies are always measured as relative values (energy differences). However, if we consider a measurement of $\Delta^2 X$ and $\Delta^2 P$ on the ground state, then we can apparently obtain an absolute value for the ground state energy. Where is the flaw in the reasoning above?
COMMENT 1: it is true that one might take independent measurements of $m$ (mass) and $\omega$ (frequency), and calculate from that $\hbar\omega/2$. However, is this a valid approach? Intuitively, this seems a rather indirect method, but isn't also a measurement of $\Delta^2 X$ and $\Delta^2 P$ an indirect measurement of the ground state energy based on other observables?
COMMENT 2: it is correct to say that $X$, $P$ and energy are incompatible observables. However, this does not prevent the possibility of measuring $\Delta^2 X$ and $\Delta^2 P$. In fact, such measurements are routinely performed experimentally. The idea consist of preparing an arbitrary number of times the oscillator in the desired state, and then measure either $X$ or $P$ in each experimental realisation. From the probability distribution of the measurement results variances are then estimated.