One explanation on bandgap formation uses nearly free electron theory and Bragg reflection. The diagram used for the explanation appears:
taken from here.
I also learnt that in free electron theory, not all k are allowed. For a cubic lattice with side length a,
$$k= \pm\sqrt{k_x^2+k_y^2+k_z^2}, {\space} k_x=\frac{n_x\pi}{a}, {\space} k_y=\frac{n_y\pi}{a},{\space} k_z=\frac{n_z\pi}{a}$$
$$k = \pm \frac{n\pi}{a}, {\space} n=\sqrt{n_x^2+n_y^2+n_z^2}$$
where $n_x, n_y, n_z$ all must be integers.
That is, not all k are allowed. However, those k allowed ($\frac{\pm \pi}{a}, \frac{\pm 2\pi}{a}$...) will always satisfy Bragg condition.
Doesn't that mean that all states will then satisfy Bragg condition and no band will form? To put my question simply,
why is there allowed energy/ k in the red-circled regions when those k are not allowed from the solution of SE with periodic boundary conditions?