Is there a easy way to calculate all the terms for complicate configurations with more than two electrons in the last shell?
If I try to find the terms in $L$-$S$ coupling $[Ar]3d^3$ or $[Ar]3d^5$ looks very hard. When I have just two electrons in the last level there are rules that make easier to compute it and respect Pauli, for example, I can just do $S=|s_1-s_2|, ..., s_1+s_2$ and $L=|l_1-l_2|,...,l_1+l_2$ and the only terms that satisfy Pauli are the ones with $L+S=$even number
In the first example $[Ar]3d^3$ I would try to do it in this way: First calculate the terms for the first two electrons and find
$$ 3d^2 \to S=0,1 \quad L=0,1,2,3,4 $$
Applying Pauli
$$ S=0, L=0 \to \quad ^1S \quad \quad \quad \quad S=1, L=0 \to \quad Impossible $$
$$ S=0, L=1 \to \quad Impossible \quad \quad \quad \quad S=1, L=1 \to \quad ^3P $$
$$ S=0, L=2 \to \quad ^1D \quad \quad \quad \quad S=1, L=2 \to \quad Impossible $$
$$ S=0, L=3 \to \quad Impossible \quad \quad \quad \quad S=1, L=3 \to \quad ^3F $$
$$ S=0, L=4 \to \quad ^1G \quad \quad \quad \quad S=1, L=4 \to \quad Impossible $$
So I have this terms $^1S, ^3P, ^1D, ^3F, ^1G$. Now I should do the same for the third electron with each of this term $^1S + 3d \quad \to \quad L_1=0, S_1=0, l_2=2, s_2=1/2 \quad \to \quad L=2, S=1/2$ $^3P + 3d \quad \to \quad L_1=1, S_1=1, l_2=2, s_2=1/2 \quad \to \quad L=1,2,3; S=1/2,3/2$ $^1D + 3d \quad \to \quad L_1=2, S_1=0, l_2=2, s_2=1/2 \quad \to \quad L=0,1,2,3,4; S=1/2$ $^3F + 3d \quad \to \quad L_1=3, S_1=1, l_2=2, s_2=1/2 \quad \to \quad L=1,2,3,4,5; S=1/2,3/2$ $^1G + 3d \quad \to \quad L_1=4, S_1=0, l_2=2, s_2=1/2 \quad \to \quad L=2,3,4,5,6; S=1/2$
But now, how can I identify the terms that I have to delete to respect Pauli?