Hint :
First note that
\mathbf E\e\m\bl\nabla\phi\m\dfrac{\partial \mathbf A}{\partial t}
Since in our case
\mathbf E\e\bl 0 \quad \texttt{and} \quad \dfrac{\partial \mathbf A}{\partial t}\e\bl 0
we have
\bl\nabla\phi\e\bl 0 \quad \bl\implies \quad \phi\e \texttt{constant}
Adding any constant in the Lagrangian $\,L\,$ doesn't affect the equations of motion so without loss of generality we set $\,\phi\e 0$.
I think that using a 3-dimensional version of the Beltrami identity
a constant of the motion would be
\mathbf{\dot r}\bl\cdot\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf{\dot r}}\m L\e \texttt{constant}
Also, looking in the first two Euler-Lagrange equations what are our thoughts about the complex function
\mathrm w \e x\p i\,y
Could we translate these equations to a simple 2nd order linear differential equation with respect to $\,\mathrm w\,$? (try to relate this with the axial symmetry of @LSS's answer).
Responds to OP comments
First, for the $\,\texttt{constant}\,$ of equation \eqref{1} we have
&\mathbf{\dot r}\bl\cdot\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf{\dot r}}\m L \e \texttt{constant}\quad \bl\implies\\
&\mathbf{\dot r}\bl\cdot\underbrace{\plr{m\,\mathbf{\dot r}\p e\mathbf A }}_{\partial L/\partial \mathbf{\dot r}}\m\underbrace{\plr{1/2\,m\,\Vert\mathbf{\dot r}\Vert^2\p e\,\mathbf{\dot r}\bl\cdot\mathbf{A}}}_{L}\e \texttt{constant}\quad \bl\implies
\Vert\mathbf{\dot r}\Vert\e \texttt{constant}
the well-known result that the magnetic force as perpetually normal to the velocity of the particle doesn't change the magnitude of this velocity and doesn't produce work keeping unchanged its non-relativistic kinetic energy.
Second, for the complex function $\,\mathrm w\e x\p i\,y \,$ of equation \eqref{2} we have from the first two Euler-Lagrange equations
\ddot{x} & \e \p\omega\,\dot{y}
\ddot{y} & \e \m\omega\,\dot{x}
\texttt{where}\quad \omega & \e\dfrac{e\,B_0}{2m}
\ddot{x}\p i\,\ddot{y}\e\m i\,\omega\plr{\dot{x}\p i\,\dot{y}}
\ddot{\mathrm w}\e\m i\,\omega\,\dot{\mathrm w}
Motivated by the Euler-Lagrange-Equations of the post and @hft's answer I realize the conservation of the linear momentum \begin{equation}
\mathbf p_{\mathbf q}\e m\,\mathbf{\dot r}\m e\,\mathbf r\x\mathbf B \e m\,\mathbf{\dot r}\m e\,\mathbf r\x\plr{\bl\nabla\x\mathbf A}
Now I try to find if this is the generalized momentum
conjugate to a cyclic coordinate $\,\mathbf q\,$ the latter satisfying :
\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf{\dot q}}\e\mathbf p_{\mathbf q}\e m\,\mathbf{\dot r}\m e\,\mathbf r\x\mathbf B\qquad \texttt{and} \qquad \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf q}\e 0
We will express the Lagrangian in cylindrical coordinates as suggested by @LSS's answer.
\mathbf r\e
\mathbf{\dot r}\e
\dot z\vp
\Vert\mathbf{\dot r}\Vert^2\e\:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}^{\:2}\p\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}{}^{\;2}\p\dot{z}^2
\mathbf{\dot r}\bl\cdot\mathbf A\e
From equations \eqref{B-02},\eqref{B-03} we have the following expression of the Lagrangian in cylindrical coordinates
L\plr{\rho,\phi,z,\:\:\dot{\!\!\rho},\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi},\dot z}\e\frac12 m\plr{\:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}^{\:2}\p\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}{}^{\;2}\p\dot{z}^2}\p\dfrac{e\,B}{2}\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}
In above Lagrangian the coordinates $\:\phi,z\:$ are cyclic, that is the Lagrangian is independent of them, so the conjugate momenta are conserved as shown also in the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion below
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}}}\m\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \rho}\e0\\
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}}}\m\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \phi}\e0\\
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{z}}}\m\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial z}\e0
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{m\:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}} \e m\rho\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}{}^{\;2}\p e\,B\rho\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}\vphantom{\plr{\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}}}}\\
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{m\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}\p\dfrac{e\,B}{2}\rho^2 }\e0\\
\dfrac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\plr{m\dot{z}}\e0
The conjugate momenta are
p_\rho&\e\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}}\e m\:\:\dot{\!\!\rho}
p_\phi&\e\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}}\e m\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}\p\dfrac{e\,B}{2}\rho^2
p_z&\e\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \dot z}\e m\dot z
The conserved momenta conjugate to the cyclic coordinates, angle $\,\phi\,$ and cartesian $\,z$, are the angular momentum $\,p_\phi\,$ and the linear momentum $\,p_z\,$ respectively
\dot{p}_\phi\e0\,,\qquad \dot{p}_z\e0
Note that the angular momentum $\,p_\phi\,$ if expressed by the initial cartesian coordinates yields
p_\phi\e m\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}\p\dfrac{e\,B}{2}\rho^2\e m\plr{x\dot y\m y\dot x}\p\dfrac{e\,B}{2}\plr{x^2\p y^2}
in agreement with @Thomas Fritsch's answer, the item
m\rho^2\:\:\dot{\!\!\phi}\e m\plr{x\dot y\m y\dot x}
being the angular momentum of the particle with respect to the $\,z\m$axis.