Initial data
- 1 x 3/4 full cup of hot coffee / tea / your favorite morning beverage
- cold water
- 5 minutes
Considering that it's starting to get hot outside, and we all want to drink reasonably cold coffee / tea (well, in any case, not scalding hot), I have the following options:
1. Wait for 5 minutes
So the hot coffee releases as much energy as possible in the 5 minutes, then add cold water to fill the coffee cup
2. Add cold water
So the temperature is lowered as fast as possible in the start, then let the air do the rest.
Which option cools the coffee more ? Are there other, better options ?
From what I can figure out, waiting 5 minutes first is the most obvious choice, but I noticed that physics isn't always as intuitive as we may think.
PS: Would a spoon to stir the beverage have any impact on the difference between the two ?