You pretty much solved the problem yourself. I'll sketch the argument given on Wald's Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Black Hole Thermodynamics, Sec. 7.3. The idea is exactly what you said, so I think I pretty much just need to write down a couple of equations to make it clearer.
The energy properties of the quantum field that gives origin to Hawking radiation on the spacetime are governed by the expectation value of its energy momentum tensor, $\langle \hat{T}_{ab} \rangle$. Since outside the black hole spacetime is stationary (for simplicity, let us assume a Schwarzschild black hole, so that it really is static), we know the four-current $J_a = \langle \hat{T}_{ab} \rangle \xi^b$ is conserved, where $\xi^a$ is the spacetime's Killing vector. This gives us the notion of conservation of energy you mentioned.
On dimensional grounds, the energy flux seen by an observer at infinity should be $F = \frac{\alpha}{M^2}$, where $M$ is the black hole's mass and $\alpha$ is a constant. This equation should hold for any field whose mass is much smaller than the black hole's, so that we can consider the black hole mass as being the relevant one.
At each point of the evaporation process we can approximate the geometry of spacetime as a Schwarzschild black hole with varying mass $M(t)$, at least while we can assume $M \gg \sqrt{\frac{c \hbar}{G}}$, i.e., at least while the black hole's mass is much larger than the Planck mass and hence the local backreaction effects are small. In this case, we can write
$$\frac{\textrm{d} M}{\textrm{d} t} = - F = - \frac{\alpha}{M^2}, \tag{7.3.4}$$
where the tag refers to the equation on Wald's text. Solving this ODE, we get
$$M(t) = \left[M_0^3 - 3 \alpha t\right]^{\frac{1}{3}}, \tag{7.3.5}$$
which implies the black hole evaporates within time $t = \frac{M_0^3}{3 \alpha}$.
Notice, of course, that the semiclassical approximations hold throughout the entire process. It could be that Quantum Gravity effects come into play when the black hole's mass reaches the Planck scale and stops the process, hence stopping the evaporation process. arXiv: 1703.02140 [hep-th], for example, discusses steps on the derivation where things could go wrong and stop the evaporation process.