Consider the motion of a charged particle of charge $q$ and mass $m$ from two different inertial frames $S$ and $S'$ connected by Galilean transformation equation ${\vec r}'={\vec r}-{\vec V}t$. This readily implies that ${\vec a}^\prime=\vec{a}$. Since $m'=m$, for the invariance of of ${\vec F}=m{\vec a}$ we need that ${\vec F}'={\vec F}$. However, a magnetic field is velocity-dependent, and also a pure magnetic field in one frame becomes a combination of an electric and a magnetic field.
Let me just show the non-invariance of Newton's second law. Let $\frac{d\vec r}{dt}={\vec v}$ and $\frac{d\vec r^\prime}{dt}={\vec v}^\prime$. Then Galilean transformation implies $${\vec v}^\prime={\vec v}-{\vec V}.$$ Newton's second law for the charged particle from $S$ is $${\vec F}=m{\vec a}=q(\vec v\times\vec B)\tag{1}$$ and from from $S'$ is $${\vec F}^\prime=m{\vec a}^\prime=q(\vec v^\prime\times\vec B^\prime).$$ Using that the magnetic field transforms under GT as (the $c\to\infty$ limit of Lorentz transformation) $$\vec B_{||}=\vec B_{||},~{\rm and}~ {\vec B_\perp}^\prime={\vec B_\perp}^\prime\Rightarrow {\vec B}'=\vec B$$ we see that $$\vec F^\prime=m\vec a^\prime=q(\vec v -\vec V)\times \vec B.\tag{2}$$
Since $\vec a'=\vec a$, we a contradiction between (1) and (2). Does this not mean that Newton's law is not always invariant under Galilean transformation?