I've been very confused about how we get the derivation for the time evolution of a rigid body, in the resources I've seen it's given by $$\dfrac{d\vec r_{\text{rotating frame}}}{dt} = \omega \times \vec r_{\text{rotating frame}}.$$
While going through the derivation one of the parts I've gotten stuck on has to do with taking the cross product of a vector with an angle, I've understood taking cross products of vectors but taking a cross product of a vector with an angle seems a bit strange.
As of now the resource I've been using is David Tong's Lecture Notes on The Motion of Rigid Bodies. The section I'm stuck on is 3.1.1 Angular Velocities. I've been stuck on this for quite some months, but now that I made a stack exchange account I decided to ask it. Any help would be highly appreciated.