I am looking for a well posed experimental situation that illustrates energy time complementarity. I know of Einsteins box, which is discussed quite nicely in Bohr's article Discussions with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics. He used time dilation due to gravity, I am looking for examples that do not involve gravitational physics.
Bohr in his article never applies unitary evolution $e^{-iHt}$ directly to the problem. This is analogous to $e^{ipx}$ which is at the heart of momentum position uncertainty . It would be nice to see Energy time Complementarity directly from $e^{-iHt}$. What does energy time complementarity imply for energy conservation?
Does such an experiment exist? If not, is there some fundamental impedance preventing it from being done in a gravity-free context?
Please take care to pose the experimental situation completely, as these are subtle issues. I would prefer examples that do not involve QFT, as it would unnecessarily distract us from the main question.