This is an exercise in Woit's book, B9, Problem 2:
For the case of the Euclidean group $E(2)$, show that in any representation $\pi'$ of its Lie algebra, there is a Casimir operator $$ |\vec{P}|^2 = \pi'(p_1)\pi'(p_1) +\pi'(p_2)\pi'(p_2) $$ that commutes with all the Lie algebra operators $\pi'(p_1), \pi'(p_2), \pi'(l)$.
I have a couple of doubts regarding this computation. Suppose we want to prove that it commutes with $\pi'(p_1)$. One has to compute $$ [\pi'(p_1)\pi'(p_1) +\pi'(p_2)\pi'(p_2),\pi'(p_1)] = 0, $$
but since $\pi'(\cdot)$ is arbitrary, I would like to "use" the definition of the Lie algebra representation
A Lie algebra representation $(\phi,V)$ of a Lie algebra $\mathbb{g}$ on an $n$-dimensional complex vector space $V$ is given by a real-linear map $$\phi: X\in \mathbb{g}\rightarrow \phi(X) \in \mathbb{gl}(n,\mathbb{C})$$ satisfying $$\phi([X,Y]) = [\phi(X),\phi(Y)].$$
Of course this definition is for finite vector spaces (it is the one in my book), but still I can use it in my case (e.g. the Schrödinger representation is still unitary and fulfills the commutator relation above), right?
If this holds then $$ \pi'([p_1^2+p_2^2,p_1]), $$ where the Lie bracket is now the Poisson bracket and thus $\pi'(0)$.
Is the process above valid? Is it $\pi'(0)=0$?