I am trying to expand the following equation:
$$\mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu \phi^\dagger_1\partial^\mu \phi_1 - m^2_1 \phi_1^\dagger \phi_1 - \lambda (\phi^\dagger _1 \phi_1)^2\tag{1}$$
using the following:
$$\phi_1 \to \phi'_1 = e^{i\theta_1}\phi_1\tag{2}$$
but I am not sure how to simplify it.
My take on it is that the Hermitian conjugate transforms equation (2) into:
$$\phi_1^\dagger \to (\phi'_1)^{\dagger} = (e^{i\theta_1}\phi_1)^\dagger = \phi_1^\dagger e^{-i\theta} \tag{3} $$
and when trying to apply this to the first part of equation (1), $\partial_\mu \phi^\dagger_1\partial^\mu \phi_1 $, I think this leads to
$$\partial_\mu \phi^\dagger_1\partial^\mu \phi_1 = e^{i\theta} \partial_\mu \phi_1 \partial^\mu \phi_1^\dagger e^{-i\theta} \tag{4}$$
I think that this could be further simplified but I am not sure how, or even if what I have done is actually correct...any help would be appreciated.