It's as simple as this:
I can always write a vector in two ways using Einstein notation:
$$\mathbf{A} = A^i \mathbf{e}_i = A_i \mathbf{e}^i$$
and interpret $\mathbf{A}$ as coordinate invariant in the sense that it is invariant under transformations of the basis or coordinates respectively so long as I transform the coordinates or basis respectively by the inverse transformation.
The convention is to place the index down when we perform a direct transformation on that quantity, and to transform the quantity with upper indices by the inverse transformation, which is why it is completely consistent to write it in two separate ways.
As we'll see below, this approach is actually more primitive than the approach the answers in the other question take, because all it invokes are the simple ideas of a linear combination and basis which trace back to the axioms of a vector space without imposing additional structure.
When we perform a direct transformation on the basis, we write the vector $\mathbf{A}$ as $\mathbf{A} = A^i \mathbf{e}_i$ and say $\mathbf{e}_i$ transforms under an invertible matrix $M^i_{\ \ \ j}$, interpreted as a basis transformation, as
$$\mathbf{e}_i \to \mathbf{e}_i' = M^j_{ \ \ \ i} \mathbf{e}_j.$$
In order for $\mathbf{A}$ to remain invariant, this means that $A^i$ must transform under the inverse $(M^{-1})^i_{\, j}$ via
$$A^i \to A'^i = (M^{-1})^i_{\,j} A^j$$
so that $\mathbf{A}$ is invariant:
$$\mathbf{A} = A'^i \mathbf{e}_i' = (M^{-1})^i_{\ j} A^j M^k_{ \ \ \ i} \mathbf{e}_k = A^i \mathbf{e}_i $$
Since the direct transformation $M^i_{ \ \ \ j}$ is applied to the basis vectors ($\mathbf{e}_i$), we say the basis is a covariant basis and denote it by $\mathbf{e}_i$, i.e. the basis co-varies with the direct transformation. Since $A^i$ transforms under the inverse matrix of the matrix we applied directly to the basis, we say the $A^i$ are contravariant components, where "contra" means "against" as in the components "vary against" the transformation that we applied directly to the basis.
Notice the quantity we apply the direct transformation to (in this case, the basis) has it's indices down.
When we perform a direct transformation on the components, we write the vector $\mathbf{A}$ as $\mathbf{A} = A_i \mathbf{e}^i$ and say $A_i$ transforms under an invertible matrix $M^i_{\ \ \ j}$ as
$$A_i \to A_i' = M^j_{ \ \ \ i} A_j.$$
In order for $\mathbf{A}$ to remain invariant, this means that the basis $\mathbf{e}^i$ must transform under the inverse $(M^{-1})^i_{\, j}$ via
$$\mathbf{e}^i \to \mathbf{e}'^i = (M^{-1})^i_{\,j} \mathbf{e}^j.$$
We now have
$$\mathbf{A} = A_i' \mathbf{e}'^i = M^j_{\ \ \ i} A_j (M^{-1})^i_{ \ \ \ k} \mathbf{e}^k = A_i \mathbf{e}^i $$
Since the direct transformation $M^i_{ \ \ \ j}$ is now applied to the components, we say the componenta ($A_i$) are the covariant components of $\mathbf{A}$, i.e. the components co-vary with the transformation. Since the basis vectors ($\mathbf{e}^i$) transform under the inverse matrix of the matrix we applied directly to the components, we say the basis is a contravariant basis, where "contra" means "against" as in the basis "varies against" the direct transformation that we applied directly to the components.
Notice the quantity we apply the direct transformation to (in this case, the basis) has it's indices down.
Although I have used the language of linear transformations, and used matrices $M$ to do this, this is in fact just a convenience. Really I have used nothing more than the concept of a linear combination and the notion of a basis which are as close to the axioms of a vector space as one can get with this approach. I have not actually used linear transformations, dual spaces, musical isomorphisms, or anything the other answers claim one needs to use, linear map language was just a convenience. Technically I have not applied anything to the vector $\mathbf{A}$, no linear maps, no inner products, nothing... This approach is simply more primitive and uses less structure, it's a complete distraction to start invoking such concepts on a primitive level.
All I have actually done is taken a vector $\mathbf{A} = A'^i \mathbf{e}_i'$ and written the basis vectors $\mathbf{e}_i'$ as linear combinations of some new basis vectors $\mathbf{e}_i$, and summarized the result as $\mathbf{e}_i' = M^j_{\ \ \ i} \mathbf{e}_j$ which the same notation used when working with matrices for convenience. I then expanded this out and re-labelled the coefficients as in
$$\mathbf{A} = A'^i \mathbf{e}_i' = A'^i M^j_{\ \ \ i} \mathbf{e}_j = A^j \mathbf{e}_j $$
I followed the convention that the indices on the object I am 'transforming' are placed down, and for convenience refer to the quantity I am 'directly applying' $M$ to (in this case the basis) as the covariant objects, noting the coefficients must then transform 'contravariantly' i.e. against the direct transformation. You can see this from the last expression again since $A'^i M^j_{\ \ \ i} = A^j$ implies $A'^i = (M^{-1})^i_{ \ \ \ j} A^j$.
I could instead have interpreted the coefficients as the result of a direct matrix $M$ acting on them (i.e. they came from having applied the inverse of $M$ to the original basis), so I'd write $\mathbf{A} = A_i' \mathbf{e}'^i$ and repeat a similar argument.
Obviously it's natural to enquire about the relationship between $A^i$ and $A_i$, and then you can bringing in extra structure of metric tensors etc...
This is why vectors are so useful, they provide a coordinate independent way to talk about certain physical quantities like electric fields that we can still analyze explicitly in useful coordinate systems.
What did you not understand in your linked answer?
Cause I can't interpret covariant and contravariant geometrically .. $\endgroup$