You might want to have a look at the work of Gavin Crook (, especially the first two chapters of his PhD thesis (to be found on his website) are quite revealing. I'll quickly summarize his main result:
Assume a system is what he calls microscopically reversible, that is, the probability of a trajectory through phase space is related to the probability of the system taking the reverse trajectory by a simple function of the heat (Eq. 1.10 in his thesis). It is initially in equilibrium. Then you drive it out of equilibrium by some (time-reversible) protocol.
Now for an arbitrary function $F$ depending on the path of the system through phase space, it holds that
\langle F \rangle_{\mathrm{F}} = \langle \hat F \exp(-\beta W_\mathrm{d})\rangle_{\mathrm R}
where $\langle \ldots \rangle$ denotes an average over all possible paths the system can take through phase space and F / R denotes the forward / reverse non-equilibrium process. $W_{\mathrm{d}}=W_{\mathrm{tot}} - W_{\mathrm{r}}$ is what he calls dissipative work; it's just the total work minus the minimum amount of work required (reversible work, that is, the free energy difference). $\hat F$ is the time reversal of $F$.
And now it comes: This holds regardless of the strength of the perturbation!
By choosing $F=1$ (or any other constant), one obtains the Jarzynski equality \begin{equation}
\langle \exp(-\beta W) \rangle = \langle \exp(-\beta \Delta F) \rangle
($\langle \ldots \rangle$ again denotes an average over all possible realizations of the non-equilibrium process) which relates the work performed during a non-equilibrium process to the free energy difference by an equality (!) instead of the inequality resulting from the second law.
With more sophisticated $F$'s one also obtains other relations like the transient fluctuation theorem, the Kawasaki response (which gives you a probability distribution for a non-equilibrium ensemble).
There's a lot more literature; I also recommend the 1997 papers of Christopher Jarzynski (sadly no free access).
At the moment, I'm learning about all these things myself, so the above might not be 100% waterproof explained, but I hope, one gets the idea.