We use the SI System of measurement which is a human made system.
In order to accurately describe forces/fields in nature we need to use certain experimentally determined constants to "scale" our SI Units into a form that accurately describes nature.
An example is the factor $G$ in Newton's gravitational force law: $G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2 }$
In the electromagnetic world we have experimentally calculate $\epsilon_0, \mu_0$ which describe the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the vacuum in order to state maxwell's equations. [Although the following link suggests the electromagnetic lagrangian itself can be written with one magic constant, $c$. I believe this is probably hiding some experimental details and that $\epsilon_0$ and $\mu_0$ will eventually need to be experimentally determined to make use of the lagrangian]
So now my question then is the following: I haven't heard (in the laymans world at least) of any Strong Force or Weak Force, or Higgs Mechanism constants. Are there any? If so, what are they numerically? and what units do they usually take?
If there aren't any, why is that? It seems unnatural that our units require no rescaling and I would like to get some intuition as to how this happened.