Imagine this, a spherical planet with a spherical moon which spherically orbits the planet every 24 hours. On this planet is a rail system with a camera attached which points perpendicular to the planet, straight at the moons centre of mass, at all times. The moon, like ours, has a rotational orbit that means one side is always facing the planet. Following so far?
There's a person on the moon with a light emitter that they activate every hour. The camera (which is always pointing at the spot where the person is) has a clock attached to it and it records every time it sees the light being emitted.
If the time between the cameras logs changes then since the moon is constantly rotating at the same distance, the speed of light is different depending on direction. If the logs show the same result then no matter where the moon is in its orbit, the light takes the same amount of time to cover the constant distance between the moon and its planet proving that light travels the same speed in all directions.
I'm sure there's something I've missed but I'm wondering if this is possible proof?
As for time dilation, if the speed of the camera and moon is constant throughout the experiment then any potential influences would appear across all the results and not affect the proof.